Hot Gang, Medecine, Jesus Volt, Liane Edwards, Oncle Jack, Emer and the Giant Affair, Las Vargas, Classic @nd Troubles, Ghost Highway, Les Ennuis Commencent, The Dirty Robbers, Viktor Huganet, The Rockhouse Trio, Awek, Syncopera, Eddy Ray Cooper, In Volt, Alexx and the Mooonshiners, T'Bo and the B.Boppers, Blackberry and Mister Boohoo et Jack Face and the Rustic Echoes, The Pathfinders, The Blues Power Band,   Shaggy Dogs , In Volt , Rod Barthet trio,The French Blues Explosion , Mr Jones and the Wild Dogs ,Don Ray Johnson and the Gas Blues Band , Earl and the Overtones , Manu Lanvin and the Devil Blues , Fred Cruveiller Blues Band , Little Mike and the French Tornados, Jack Bon Slim Combo ,  Big Dez , Eric laVALETTE band , Mojo Machine , The Juice , Kathy Boyé and the DTG Gang ,Janet Martin + Neal Black , Steve " big man " Clayton + guest Nico Duportal , Mc Kinley James ......

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Dscf4496Mckinleyjames 1Dscf5371Dscf5271


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